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How do you collect field data?

The safety of any structure depends on solid and durable materials. This itself depends on the data collected and its ability to prove that the material has been properly tested, recorded and approved. 

However, proving material strength and durability takes much more than just a strength test. A plethora of tests need to be conducted – in the field and in the lab – to get a holistic understanding of a material’s viability. Data that needs to be collected in the field – specific to one of the most common materials in construction, concrete – includes: 

  • Slump: to measure the consistency of fresh concrete and verify the batch has been mixed properly.
  • Air: to collect data on the air content of fresh concrete, which increases or decreases concrete strength and determines if it’s protected from the weather.
  • Unit weight: to verify the mix of concrete you’re using for a specific setting (e.g. full weight concrete vs. lightweight concrete) 
  • Temperature: data collected at mixing time to inform how the concrete cures and strengthens later.

This data is created in the field – in other words, at the construction site. In the past, this information was recorded on clipboards. Today, many field technicians leverage field data collection software to collect field data. When a new batch of concrete arrives on site, field technicians can input sample data (like the sample ID, ticket number, placement, date and wet concrete information) and create new specimens in a mobile app. With the right tool, other types of data are available in addition to just collecting field test results. For example:

  • Data about a specimen’s chain of custody status (was it cast, assigned, claimed, collected, or delivered to the lab after field testing?)
  • Data about the sample’s location on the field
  • Data about which technician is accountable for which sample 

It’s critical that information in the field can integrate with the subsequent steps at the lab – and the rest of the project workflow. With ForneyVault, an integrated construction materials testing platform, users can leverage ForneyTools as essential concrete testing software. ForneyField is a field testing mobile app that comes with ForneyTools. It automatically syncs data with the ForneyVault database so users can access all data to inform future steps of the CMT workflow. 

Because there are so many tests and standards to follow – and the tests themselves are sensitive to human error and manual inefficiencies – having a single source of truth for data collection and management is helpful. From the field to the lab to the office and beyond, ForneyVault completely automates how data moves through the CMT workflow. After initial data input in the field, data cannot be manually manipulated, transferred or recorded. It all flows through ForneyVault’s cloud-based platform. So, test methods are transparent, results are trustworthy, and producers, asset owners and construction firms can prove critical materials were correctly tested, checked, recorded and approved.

Schedule a demo to see ​​how ForneyVault® can help eliminate bias and increase productivity, accuracy and transparency.

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